Monday, March 1, 2021

Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening Chapter 1 & 2 Review

Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening 

 By: Henry & Richard Blackaby with Cluade King 

Chapters 1 & 2 of the book Fresh Encounter explores the biblical expectations of a normal Christian, a normal church and what is revival.  

What does it mean to be a "normal" Christian?  On page 3 they list 8 basic characteristics that should describe the normal Christian.  

It seems we have come to the point where a biblical Christian is seen as a "superstar" Christian.  How could that be?  I believe the lack of strong accountability has led us to this point.  We rarely hold one another to a standard of holiness.  Have you placed people in your life to challenge and encourage you in your faith journey?  

What does is mean to be a "normal" church?  On page 7 they list 7 characteristics of a "normal" church.

It seems that churches are easily distracted these days.  We get focused on things that are trivial and ultimately have no eternal value.  Churches are splitting over carpet color, buildings, music styles, programs...and all the while doctrine and theology are of little value. How are you using your giftedness to strengthen and encourage the church?  

Then that leads us to ask the question; what is revival?  

On page 15 they define revival as; a divinely initiated work in which God's people pray, repent of their sin, and return to a holy, Spirit-filled, obedient, love relationship with God.  

We need revival when we have fallen into unrepented sin and strayed from "normal" Christianity and being a "normal" church.  When we find ourselves in need of revival we must pray and ask God to send revival.  We can experience revival as individuals and/or as a church body.  

If you are in need of personal revival you can turn to Psalm 51 to see an example of an individual (King David) crying out for revival.  If you want an example of a people calling out for revival you can turn to 2 Kings 22-23 (King Josiah).  

As we walk the "normal" Christian life we are encouraged to walk/live in the Spirit.  How do we know we are walking in the Spirit?  In Galatians 5:16-26 Paul explains that a person walking/living in the Spirit will produce the fruit of the Spirit (v. 22-23).  So, a simple test is to ask yourself if your daily life is marked by: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

When we fall into sin or find that our walk has become stagnant...we cry out to God to move in a unique, extraordinary way to bring revival.  Throughout human history God has been faithful to pour out His Spirit in extraordinary ways to revive His people.  Moments of revival are glorious and overwhelmingly anointed by the Holy Spirit.  But revivals and the extra anointing are meant to come to an end.  Once a person or church has been revived...we should return to our "normal" walking/living in the Spirit.  Producing fruit while seeking to glorify God in every aspect of our lives.  On page 22 Brian Edwards is quoted as saying: Revival is not normal any more than spiritual decline and backsliding are normal.  These are opposite ends of the normal life of the church.  Revival is supernormal and backsliding is subnormal.  

On page 23 they explain; Revival is restorative not normative. Revival brings people back into the intimate, consecrated walk with God they had previously forsaken. This comes through brokenness and repentance. A revival might last many weeks where people confess grievous sins night after night. But eventually God's people have been purified and forgiven, and they must then move on to their calling of daily living for Him. Sometimes revival comes to a close because God has accomplished the work He set out to do.  

As Galatians 5:16 says; walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. 


  1. Can you explain a part of your comments? You stated
    "Throughout human history God has been faithful to pour out His Spirit in extraordinary ways to revive His people. Moments of revival are glorious and overwhelmingly anointed by the Holy Spirit. But revivals and the extra anointing are meant to come to an end."
    As believers we are already filled with Holy Spirit, He indwells us. So how do we get more of Him?

    1. The phrase "pour out" is common throughout Scripture. God uses that phrase to speak of His wrath, mercy, grace, Spirit, blessings, judgement, etc. This is just a phrase to explain that He is acting in a particular way.

      The Holy Spirit is a Person of the Trinity, thus, He is either with you or not. When God speaks of "pouring out His Spirit"...He is speaking of working in a way that is additional to His normal activity. According to Scripture we cannot be good in ourselves and everything good is of God. So when revival is an extra ordinary movement and work of God through the Person of the Holy Spirit.

      The Holy Spirit is not a force we tap into and to get varying portions of His essence or power. He is a Person. We get all of Him at the moment of Salvation. He is the seal of our salvation. We will experience different levels of His working in our lives based on our willingness to follow or quench the Spirit.

      When we pray for revival or a special movement of the Spirit we are asking God to intervene in a way that can only be explained by His working.


Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening Chapter 19 Review

 Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening Authors: Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King Chapter 19 Review On page 24...