Fresh Encounter: God's Pattern for Spiritual Awakening
By: Henry & Richard Blackaby and Cluade King
Chapter 7 Review
On page 84 the authors challenge the readers to consider some personal questions to consider to determine if you are in need of revival:
One of the dangers that believers face is reading the Bible is assuming it applies to others rather than themselves. Taking time for personal reflection is important. Psalm 139:23-24 (CSB) says:
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns.
See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.
Throughout the OT we see God establishing festivals and feasts for personal reflection; for example: Passover Feast, Feast of First Fruits and Feast of Trumpets. On page 85 the authors explain:
Solemn assemblies were days for God's people to gather for a sacred task. There were prescribed as times to: demonstrate obedience to God, His commands and decrees; remember God's provisions for His people; acknowledge God's ownership of all their resources; offer sacrifices; recognize God in His holiness; confess and repent of personal and corporate sin; renew fellowship and the covenant with God.
So, how do we apply the principles found in the OT festivals today? God has given us various opportunities to seek and know Him. To name a few avenues of growth and renewal...through the Holy Spirit we are able to (1) enjoy personal time with the Lord studying His Word and praying, (2) corporately worship the Father on the Lord's day, (3) worship through tithes and offerings and (4) live a sacrificial life as described in Romans 12:1-2.
Submitting to God's ways is vital for the believer. Too often we "take matters into our own hands". It would do us well to memorize Isaiah 55:8-9.
Isaiah 55:8-9 (CSB) says:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways." This is the Lord's declaration.
For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
On page 93 the authors state:
And it is critical that we familiarize ourselves with the ways God revives His people, for those are the same ways He will seek to revive us and our church as well.
God has a specific plan for His people. We must SUBMIT to His desires.
Chapter 8 Review
In chapter 8 the authors focus on the goal of revival...restoring our relationship with our Heavenly Father. All that God has, is and will do with and to us is for that intimate relationship with Him. Throughout Scripture it appears that revival has a pattern. The authors explain the various phases of revival on pages 97-98.
The purpose of discipline, correction and a call to repent is center on having a right relationship with God. On pages 98-99 the authors recap "God's Purpose for Revival". They sum this up with two phrases: God pursues a love relationship and God calls people to work with Him (page 99).
In conclusion on page 103 the authors write:
God is on mission to redeem a lost world. He could use any method at His disposal, but He chooses to work through a holy people consecrated to Him and for His purposes. When God's people sin and turn away from their covenant relationship with Christ, they are no longer in a place to serve God and to bring Him glory. God will discipline His people and draw them back to Himself. Once God's people repent and return to Him, God forgives and cleanses them and will use them once again to accomplish His purposes. God takes our relationship with Him extremely seriously because out of that relationship our life has meaning and purpose as we relate to Him and serve Him.
Your will be most satisficed in life when you are walking with Christ in obedience to His Word. Our Heavenly Father is the source of all great things. Seek Him, not the world. Live for Him, not yourself. Long for revival personally and corporately. Desire an intimate relationship with Him.
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